Author Jen Meyers

Intangible Teaser #4

So I was sitting here wondering how best to start the new year, when it hit me. What could possibly be better than beginning with another teaser? Seriously.

I’m not a resolution-making kind of person, never have been, so I don’t have any great lists to show you. But that would make a lovely first-of-the-year blog post if I did.  I’ve spent the last week soaking up time with my family and not working on my book while Steve read and edited it like mad. (He finished it late Thursday night. I LOVE that man.) So I’m staring at an immediate future full of inputting edits and rereading/editing it myself again before I hand it off to my proofreader.

But posting another teaser to start off the year? YES. I love that on so many levels. Torturing you all with another quick snippet of the story? Honestly? I’m not sure there’s anything I like better than some good-natured torturing. ;-) Plus, since the book is coming out this year—this month!—then it seems apropos to begin with the book.

And so I am.

“You were out healing,” Luke said into his hands.

“Of course. What else would I be out doing in the middle of the night?”

“Could you just tell me when you’re going to do that from now on?” He looked up at her.

Sera narrowed her eyes at him. “What’s going on?”

“I just need to know that you’re okay. That you’re safe.” And he wasn’t going to tell her any more than that. Not tonight.

Happy New Year, my friends! I hope 2012 brings all good things to you and yours.


Okay, so when I said I’d be back on Monday, I obviously meant Wednesday. ;-) This holiday week is messing me up in the loveliest of ways. I’ve lost track of days and the week has that cozy, slow feel of a really looooooong weekend. Sigh. Sitting in front of the fire, (still) wishing for snow, savoring our days all together as a family. Feeling so grateful that Steve is making quick progress through the book as he reads and edits.

Not much to say today. Just wanted to check in and say hello. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are planning something fabulous or delightfully quiet for the new year.

Have a great day!

“May Your Days be Merry and Bright”

So, I came across another video that I just had to share with you. I think it’s an audition for So You Think You Can Dance (which I’ve never seen, because, you know, we don’t have television.) But this guy is amazing! And, um, unique. (Can I tell you how much I love this?) I totally hope he got to be on the show.

Thanks to someone on Twitter for the link. Don’t know who you are because I happened upon you by accident, but I’m so glad I did. :-)

In totally unrelated news, I’ve been making lots of this:

This time of year always inspires me to start making Chex mix, and that usually lasts for a good two to three months. So happy to be in the midst of it again. My recipe is a cross between the Chex and the Crispix recipes, with some red hot sauce added in for good heat. *Love.*

Also, my theme song this year is “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” because we have not a flake of snow anywhere in our yard or town. We’re supposed to have snow. We must have snow. (Mother Nature? Please, please send some snow.) (Or you guys over at Google. If  you’ve figured out how to do that yet since I asked two days ago. That’s enough time, right?)

This week is getting busier by the minute. Baking, toffee-making, sewing, knitting. And stressing because all of those things are getting in the way writing/editing/polishing of the book. *Deep breath.* And I’ve gotten nothing mailed yet. (Not gifts nor cards.) *Deeper breath.* (Late Christmas presents are just as appreciated as those on time. Right?)

As I try to get everything done (plus maybe some book work, fingers crossed) while (hopefully) remembering to savor sweet moments with my kids, I’m going to take a blog break, and I’ll be back in this space on Monday.

I’m wishing you all the *happiest* of holidays. (And may all of them be white.)

Jelly Beans & Easter Eggs

A friend of mine posted this on his blog, and I immediately knew I wanted to share it with you here. But then I forgot about it. (Huh. Imagine that.) Until last night when Steve came across it on some sort of list of memorable videos of 2011.

This is the coolest music video EVER. And it’s made with Jelly Belly Jelly Beans. (Which, you know, are the best jelly beans EVER. So it’s no surprise that the music video rocks.) If you haven’t seen it, watch.

Kina Grannis has a lovely voice and it’s a sweet song. But the video. SO cool. It took two years and 288,000 jelly beans to make it. (Can you even imagine? For one music video. Now that‘s a labor of love.)

You know what’s equally interesting? The Making Of video they posted. (Actually, I think it’s more interesting than the music video itself, but I always like to see how things are done, you know? And how insane some people are in doing what they love. A good kind of insanity, for sure.)

Thanks to Andy for the links.

Also? Totally unrelated to these videos, but equally fun: Google has an easter egg. Go to, type “let it snow” into the search bar and hit enter. And then just watch what happens.

(Hey, Google? That’s pretty cool, but you know what would be even better than that? If when we hit enter it actually snowed where we were. We’re looking at a green Christmas here, and that’s completely unacceptable, so I’m looking for any kind of help to get some snow. Do you think you can make that kind of easter egg? If anyone can, I know it’s you guys.)

Hope the beginning of your week is filled with cheer. And snow. (Hope my week will be filled with snow, but it’s not looking likely.)

INTANGIBLE teaser #3


Then he felt it.

A sharp pinch on his neck and hot searing pain radiated out. Fire coursed through his veins, engulfing his entire body. Razorblades of pain shredded his insides.

That one breath left him in a piercing scream and was gone. His body convulsed, he couldn’t draw in air. He couldn’t fight. He couldn’t struggle. He couldn’t move.

His eyes rolled back into his head, hands clenched into fists at his sides as his mind formed one thought, and one thought only.

That he wished he were dead.

Coming in January 2012. For a free preview, read chapter one here.

And have a great weekend, everyone!

A Gift for You

So much sewing and baking going on here, leading up to the holidays. And yet another week of baking and making to go. I went to my very first cookie swap over the weekend, and it was just lovely. Spending an afternoon with other warm, intelligent women was a treat. An unusual treat for me since I am so rarely out and about somewhere without my kids. (We tend to come as a packaged deal, the lot of us here.)

In prepping for the swap, I came across a recipe I’d found last year and made for the first time: chocolate peppermint chocolate chip cookies. Oh my. Let me tell you about how incredibly delicious these cookies are–chewy, chocolatey, minty and speckled with crushed candy cane. Perhaps the best cookie ever.

They are almost impossible to stop eating once you’ve had a taste. (I’m so not kidding.) I would love to send each and every one of you a care package of these sweet treats. But, you know, that would be just slightly impractical.

My gift to you, instead, is the recipe.

Chocolate Peppermint Chocolate Chip Cookies

1 1/2 c. butter
1 c. sugar
1 c. brown sugar
2 eggs
2 t. vanilla
2 t. peppermint extract (or 1/2 t. peppermint oil)
1/2 c. crushed candy canes
1 1/2 c. flour
1 1/2 c. whole wheat flour
1/2 c. wheat germ (optional) (just to give it vague nutritional value, because that’s the way I am)
1/2 c. cocoa
2 t. baking soda
1/2 t. salt
1 1/2 – 2 c. chocolate chips

Mix all together. (I crush the candy canes in the food processor–very noisy, but very easy.) Bake @ 350 F for 8-10  minutes. Let cool 5 min on cookie sheet, then place on wire rack to cool completely.

Okay. Go make them. You will not regret it, I promise. :-)

Tell me, what are your favorite cookie recipes of the season?


I’m steeped in gratitude this week for . . .

:: my years of experience in publishing as an editor, copy editor, and proofreader which is making the publishing of this novel so much easier than it would be otherwise.

:: anyone who has downloaded and read “Intuition.” And those who’ve said they can’t wait to read INTANGIBLE. (Really, you all make my heart smile.)

:: friends, new and old.

:: cookie swaps that let me bring home a plate of cookies that thrill my kids so much they cannot decide which cookie they want to try first.

:: my sewing machine that is doing the bulk of the work for holiday gifts this year.

:: my kids who love using said sewing machine, and love making things in general. Sigh. Kids totally rock. (Even if they do have to walk all over the fabric when I lay it down on the floor. Across it, around the perimeter. Over and over again.)

:: Steve. For everything and then some.


INTANGIBLE teaser #2



Who is she? Jonas wondered as he watched them walk out of sight, lamplit sidewalks empty again. He stood there in the quiet of the night, thinking. A girl with silver eyes. She was familiar, like lyrics to a song he couldn’t quite recall. But he’d never met her before, he was sure. He remembered everyone. He would have remembered her.


Coming in January 2012. For a free preview, read chapter one here, if you haven’t already.

And have a great weekend, everyone!

Beginnings and Endings

So, I’m reworking the ending at the moment, trying to figure out the best way to leave it. You know, people always talk about how important the beginning of a book is and how much work it gets since it’s (usually) the first thing you write, it’s gets the most scrutiny and edits just for the fact that it’s been sitting around the longest. Also it is vital that it immediately suck people into the story, grab-a-hold-and-never-let-go sort of thing. If it doesn’t do that, then no one’s reading your book.

So it makes sense, this focus on the beginning.

But there’s not much talk about endings, and I’m finding that I am poring over the ending just like I did the beginning, trying to get it just right, the perfect mix of tying up loose ends as well as planting a few ideas of what might happen in the future. I thought I’d had it done just right, but this last week has me changing things around, seeing if I can cut aspects of the scene or add others in without it all feeling crammed. I’ve spent hours just *thinking* about the chapter, trying to figure out the best order, who to have in it, who should be a part of the very last scene. In all reality, I think I’ve already spent more time on this chapter than on any other, including chapter 1. And I’m not done yet. (Hopefully today.) (Fingers crossed.)

Hope you’re having a great week! (Oh, and if you have any control over the weather, please send snow.)

Bookmark Designs!

My plan tonight was to write up a quick post here, upload the two bookmark designs I’d already played around with a bit, and ask you which you liked better. But then I started thinking (do you have any idea what happens when I do that?) (well, for one thing a book happened) and designed another one really quickly. An hour later, here I am.

So, I have three design ideas–none of these are totally final and polished, so keep that in mind. What I’d like to know most from you is which design you like best. (And if you have any suggestions for tweaks or completely different ideas of something you’d like to see on a bookmark, please tell me in the comments. I’m open.)

Without further ado . . . (okay, well there is more ado, but you know what I mean.) (Oh, and click ’em to see ’em bigger.)


The first one is two sided, very low on text. Which seems like a bit of a problem, since I really should be communicating more info than is on there. So I may have to figure out a way to include more text if I go with this one.



This is just the front of the second one. I will include either the book blurb or a short excerpt on the back and the ISBN for the paper copy. (Similar to the back of the next one, which has an excerpt, but without the book cover.)


I have two sides here for the third one, and have laid the back on its side so you can read it easier. (No sense making you all crane to be able to read it.) (I’m looking out for you here.)


(Yes, I realize the book cover image on the back of #3 is distorted. I wasn’t kidding when I said these were rough.)

Hey, look! A poll.

If you have suggestions or things you like about one that you’d like to see on another, please tell me in the comments below.

Thanks, everyone!