Author Jen Meyers

“May Your Days be Merry and Bright”

So, I came across another video that I just had to share with you. I think it’s an audition for So You Think You Can Dance (which I’ve never seen, because, you know, we don’t have television.) But this guy is amazing! And, um, unique. (Can I tell you how much I love this?) I totally hope he got to be on the show.

Thanks to someone on Twitter for the link. Don’t know who you are because I happened upon you by accident, but I’m so glad I did. :-)

In totally unrelated news, I’ve been making lots of this:

This time of year always inspires me to start making Chex mix, and that usually lasts for a good two to three months. So happy to be in the midst of it again. My recipe is a cross between the Chex and the Crispix recipes, with some red hot sauce added in for good heat. *Love.*

Also, my theme song this year is “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” because we have not a flake of snow anywhere in our yard or town. We’re supposed to have snow. We must have snow. (Mother Nature? Please, please send some snow.) (Or you guys over at Google. If  you’ve figured out how to do that yet since I asked two days ago. That’s enough time, right?)

This week is getting busier by the minute. Baking, toffee-making, sewing, knitting. And stressing because all of those things are getting in the way writing/editing/polishing of the book. *Deep breath.* And I’ve gotten nothing mailed yet. (Not gifts nor cards.) *Deeper breath.* (Late Christmas presents are just as appreciated as those on time. Right?)

As I try to get everything done (plus maybe some book work, fingers crossed) while (hopefully) remembering to savor sweet moments with my kids, I’m going to take a blog break, and I’ll be back in this space on Monday.

I’m wishing you all the *happiest* of holidays. (And may all of them be white.)

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