Author Jen Meyers

Help Me Celebrate!

To celebrate Imaginable‘s upcoming release, Intangible is on sale—for the FIRST TIME EVER—for only $0.99 (£0.77)!! *\o/* (<—I think this calls for a cheerleader, don’t you?) Would you help me spread the word? Please tell everyone you know–email friends, tweet…

What I’m doing…

  I know I’ve been M.I.A. around here. I’ve had my nose buried in edits and beta readers’ feedback, fixing, fixing, fixing. That picture is the printout for my final read-through before I send Imaginable to my copy editor to…

Imaginable Teaser #3

I’m taking an unexpected trip home for several days, looking forward to being back in Vermont (BEST state EVER—in case you were wondering) for a week. I will admit to you that this is one of the things I love…

A little of this and that

Just popping in to say another big, humongous THANK YOU to everyone who helped with Imaginable‘s cover reveal on Monday. You all are the BEST! Seriously. (Also, I am SO EXCITED that I finally get to start putting it on…