Author Jen Meyers

Birth of a Book

I’m in the midst of figuring out how to sell ebooks and signed paperbacks from my website, set up a virtual shop, get everything connected and running smoothly, all while trying desperately to not pull *all* my hair out in the process. It’s not going too badly, I will admit. But I’ve been working on it for three days and I’m ready for it to be perfect NOW. (It’s not, but I’m hoping it will be soon.) (I’ll let you know.)

So I’m just in and out quick today, and I have this really nifty video for you showing how books are made. (The bibliophile in me has watched it several times already. It’s just so cool to see.) It’s been floating around the internet recently, and I came across it from someone on Twitter. (Thanks to whoever you were! I don’t recall who posted it.)


Hope you’re having a great, non-hair-pulling week!


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