Author Jen Meyers

On New Beginnings

anywhere BN KoboSeptember always feels like a beginning even though we homeschool all year round (there’s no beginning or end to our learning and we’re eclectic in our approach—life learning, unschooling, project based). Maybe it’s because everyone else is going back to school and we soak up some of that excited-to-get-going-again energy. Or maybe it’s from having spent years in school myself, so I’m conditioned to have fall feel like a fresh start.

Whatever it is, I find myself energized and focused at this time of year–wanting to start making, knitting, sewing, writing the next book, learning in ways I haven’t been over the summer. (So much of the summer months are spent outside going, doing, exploring, playing—ways of living and learning that slow down as the weather cools.) I feel this cycle every year, and this year is no different.

So I’ve been spending my time over the past week clearing out space for more project work, helping the kids find projects they want to work on, learning what excites them right now at this moment, planning all the ways I can support their interests. Each of them, like me, is a work in progress—something I’m hoping they’ll spend the rest of their lives being. And each of them, like me, has interests that ebb and flow. It’s natural.

I’m a big believer in not forcing learning (because if it’s forced, how much is really learned?) but going with interests. I’ve kinda built my life on this concept, following my interests, seeing where my life leads me. There’s a deep feeling of content when your life is a mosaic of your passions. It takes work—hard work—and compromises. Of course, once you realize/figure out what’s really important to YOU, those compromises don’t feel like a compromise. They feel like a choice. One that you make willingly, wholeheartedly because it’s helping you work toward what you really want, what is deeply important to you.

More than anything they’re doing, I hope my kids learn this lesson from our life, our choices, our ways of doing things. And that they spend their lives feeding their passions, doing work that is meaningful to them, and finding their own new beginnings every year.


Labor Day Weekend Sale!

anywhere BN KoboAnywhere is on super sale for only 99c for the holiday weekend, so if you haven’t grabbed a copy for yourself, get it now! It won’t stay at this price for long. :-)

Sale price can be found at

Amazon UK
Barnes & Noble

Share the good news! Please help me spread the word by letting all your friends/families/followers know that they can get Anywhere for a ridiculously low price this weekend.

If you want, tweet or FB one of these with your favorite store’s link:

Amazon link:
ANYWHERE by J. Meyers is only 99c for the holiday weekend. Love this book!

Amazon UK link:
ANYWHERE by J. Meyers is only 99c for the holiday weekend. Love this book!

Barnes & Noble link:
ANYWHERE by J. Meyers is only 99c for the holiday weekend. Love this book!

Kobo link:
ANYWHERE by J. Meyers is only 99c for the holiday weekend. Love this book!


Thanks, my friends! Hope you’re having the loveliest of weekends. :-)




The Wild Life

We found these at our local library:


Box turtle…which is really a tortoise, we learned, regardless of its name.


(I love his jaunty walk.)


This hedgehog is a serious little prickly ball of cuteness.


Uber-cool corn snake


And then we found some wildness on our own:




This is how wild my life gets. :-)

Anywhere is Available!

anywhere BN KoboIt’s out! It’s out! *flails* Cartwheels for everyone!

The ebook of Anywhere is finally available at these online retailers:

Amazon UK
Barnes & Noble

It’s on its way to iTunes, and it’s unfortunately going to take a couple of weeks to show up there. But I’ll let you know when it gets there.

Anything you’d be willing to do to tell people about the book I’d really appreciate—I need all the help I can get in spreading the word! :-)

Thanks, my friends! Hope you have a great week ahead.


Teaser #3: Anywhere

anywhere BN KoboIf you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you may have noticed I’ve been posting a short little quote from Anywhere each day. It’s been fun coming up with the little teasers—a little bit of a challenge to find interesting ones that are 140 characters or less. If you’d like to see the daily teasers, follow me on either site. I post the same quote to both each day.

For a meatier teaser, here’s today’s:

He aimed his smile at me and my stomach flipped. And it was one of those moments when everything slows down and your world gets very, very small. I couldn’t hear anything but my heart beating furiously, my own breathing becoming a little ragged as I stared at him. I couldn’t see anything but Asher—his eyes on mine, looking like he’d just recognized me on a deeper level, then his gaze lowering slightly to lock on my lips. We stared at each other in silence and something changed, shifted—I don’t know what. But I felt it and I’d swear he did too, because all of a sudden we were leaning in, pulled by some crazy-strong force.

His arm tightened around my shoulders. Our lips were almost touching, and I closed my eyes as I breathed him in, as I gave in—

“Skye!” Julia called out from the bottom of the steps. I straightened, my heart hammering in my chest, and turned to see her waving and climbing toward us, Tommy and Shayne in tow. All I could think was had they seen us and what the hell am I doing?

If you haven’t yet, you can add Anywhere to your Goodreads shelf. Anywhere is set to release on August 30…but if it gets to 500 adds on Goodreads, I’ll release it 5 days early on August 25. So if you’d like to read it sooner, ask everyone you know to add it to their Goodreads shelf!

And have a fantastic day. :-)



Summer School

anywhere BN KoboI don’t talk about the mechanics of writing much on this blog—I stick to what’s going on in my life and what I find interesting in the world. But I’m REALLY passionate about the writing process, publishing yourself, and (especially) doing it well (I am a bit of a perfectionist).

So I’m excited to tell you about this: Pen and Muse is hosting a free month-long Summer School for bloggers, writers, readers, and everyone in between. Week One was all about blogging, Week Two was about getting your novel started, and now we’re in Week Three—all things editing. Coming up in Week Four, they’ll be covering marketing.

I LOVE EDITING. (I may have mentioned that before.) And the lovely Muses are letting me go on and on (and on) about editing for the next two days. I’m SO excited to be sharing the love. :-)

Today I have a post up about the different types of editing—what they are and why you need them if you’re a writer. And tomorrow I’ll be talking about how to edit your book yourself, what manuscript problems to look for and how to fix them. I’ll even show the evolution of a paragraph from first draft to final. (It’s good stuff, I tell you!)

So if you’re interested, go check out my posts and/or all the great posts they’re gathering for this free series.

(And come back tomorrow for another teaser from Anywhere. :-)

Have a great day, everyone!




Release Date for ANYWHERE (and an EARLIER release deal)

It’s official, you guys! I have a release date: August 30, 2013.

What? You want it SOONER than that? Okay, I’MMA MAKE A DEAL with you. Anywhere will be released 5 days earlier on August 25 if the number of people who’ve added it to their Goodreads shelves reaches 500 by that date!

So if you want to read it sooner, help spread the word! Get your friends and followers to add Anywhere and you’ll have it in your hands in LESS THAN TWO WEEKS. I cannot WAIT to share this story with you!



Teaser #2: Anywhere

It’s Teaser Tuesday again! Here’s the second teaser from Anywhere, set to release at the end of the month.

It felt so strange to be totally on my own. Good strange, but strange nonetheless. So much of the last two years of my life had been spent with Blaine, and even though his absence now made me feel like I could finally breathe, I also felt like I was nowhere, had no anchor in the world. You know, you get so used to depending on other people—not necessarily to make decisions, though Blaine had done that all the time, but just for companionship. To tether you, give you the sense that you belong.

I didn’t belong anywhere in that moment. Not at home, not in the busy plaza. No one knew me. No one knew where I was. I had no idea what I was going to do with my life or how I was going to face my family when I got home.

I had no place, and I suddenly, desperately wanted to find one.


Have a good week, everyone!


Early Reviewers for ANYWHERE

I’m starting to pull together a list of book bloggers and early reviewers for Anywhere. If you like New Adult contemporary romance and are able to read and review it at the end of August, please send me an email at j AT jmeyersbooks DOT com. I’ll send out eARCs (Advanced Reader Copies) in a couple of weeks in either mobi (Kindle) or epub (Nook/iBooks/Sony/Kobo) formats, so please include either the kind of file you need or the kind of ereader/app you’ll be using so I send you the right one.

In exchange for a free early copy of the book, I trust you’ll post a review at one or more of the online retailers (Amazon, B&N, iTunes) once the book is up for sale and at Goodreads, if you’re a member of that fantastically bookish community. :-) And anything you can do to help spread the word (like tell all your friends about it!) will be eternally appreciated!

Thank you, my friends! Hope you have a great weekend. :-)