Yours Truly (Happily Ever After #2) is out in the world today! How’s THAT for a happy Monday!?
If you read Happily Ever After, then you’ve already met Willow Truly, but now is your chance to really get to know her…and to meet Josh Fletcher, her sweet and swoony next-door neighbor. I fell in love with them both as this story wove itself together, and I hope you will, too. <3
The Girls are back in force, of course, and the more time I spend with them, the more I love the strength of their bond, the depth of their friendship. They are the BEST of friends, and I’m not sure what could truly be better than that. Well…maybe a happily ever after added into the mix. ;-)
Ready for another happily ever after, then? Here’s Yours Truly.

Willow Truly doesn’t need a man. Never has, never will. At least, not in the long-term. She’s as keen for a roll in the sack as the next girl, but beyond that, a man’s usefulness runs out quick.
A girl’s got to take care of herself, Will’s learned, because as soon as you start to rely on a man, he breaks your heart. She’s bound and determined to never let THAT happen again, so she’s sworn off love, marriage, and living happily ever after. As the writer of a snarky dating column in Du Jour magazine, she’s pretty much guaranteed no man will stick around for long…and she’s totally okay with that.
Unless, of course, we’re talking about Josh. Her all-around favorite guy and best friend outside of The Girls, Josh is the only man Will can’t date. Not if she wants to keep him in her life—and she does. More than anything.
However, to keep him, Will may have to go against everything she believes to be true and take a chance on love again. And on Josh. Because if she doesn’t…Will just may break her own heart.
Happy reading, my lovely friends!