Author Jen Meyers

Things I Do Not Do Well

What better way to start off the week than with a confession of some of the things I’m not good at?

1. Making dinner. This includes planning it ahead, sometimes making it at all, or making a full dinner. I usually just don’t think about what we’re going to have for dinner until the end of the day when it’s time to have dinner. Being a mostly vegetarian family, it’s difficult to pull together a well-balanced meal in a short amount of time because most vegetarian dishes take a couple of hours to cook.

So, we end up having a one dish meal that does not include enough food groups to call it balanced. Luckily, my crazy children eat plenty of fruit and vegetables during the day, so it’s not like they’re missing some important nutrients. They’re just missing the experience of having a mom that makes a full, well-balanced meal each night. :-)

2. Writing Reviews. Is it terrible that I ask for readers and book bloggers to review my book, and yet I don’t leave reviews? I have listed 78 books as “read” on Goodreads since I became a member in June, and only one of those has a written review. (And I can’t tell you which one, because I have no idea.)

Why? Because I suck at writing reviews, and I just don’t like to do things that I can’t do well.  (That doesn’t include learning to do something—I love learning to do something and don’t worry that I’m not any good at it to begin with. But if it turns out I’m not any good at it after the learning period, then I don’t tend to continue doing it.)

3. Asking for help. I’m just not comfortable with it most of the time. Every so often I am forced to step out of my comfort zone and ask, and it stresses me out each time.  Yet when I do, there are always friends and family more than happy to help. You’d think I’d be better at it with the positive response I get each time, but no. (Maybe someday.) (Yeah . . . probably not.)

4. Staying away from sugar. I should. I know I should. But I *love* it sooooooooooo much. Maybe I can get better at this one. (Hmm. But maybe I don’t want to.) :-)

5. Keeping my house neat and organized. I have four kids. Need I say more? Okay. I’m sure there are plenty of people with lots of kids who have an immaculate house, so I can’t really blame this on the kids. It’s not them, it’s me. I’m not organized enough to put things in their rightful place all the time. And we have too much stuff, so not everything has a rightful place. I am hoping to get better at this because I pine for a neat, clean, organized house and a massive purging of all of our extra stuff. One of these days, right?

This list could go on, but I’m going to stop there. :-) There are always things we’d like to do better, right? But honestly, though I would like to be better at all these things, I don’t really worry about it. I do a lot of things well—some very well—so why should I sweat the small stuff? My family is happy, I’m happy . . . I must be doing most things right. :-)

What about you?

Happy Monday, everyone! Hope your week is starting out well.




It’s out! It’s in paper! It’s a *real* book!!



You can get it here on Amazon. (AND, as if that’s not exciting ENOUGH, it’s a part of the 4-for-3 promotion, so you can order three other books and get one of them for free. How cool is that?!)

Happy reading, everyone!


Giveaway Tuesday!

That’s right, I’m giving away Tuesday!

Oh, uh…okay, maybe I’m not exactly giving Tuesday away, but it *is* Tuesday and I *am* giving away bookmarks and tattoos again for anyone who has purchased Intangible from Amazon or Barnes & Noble already or who buys it by the end of the week.

Check it out:

Seriously, who can resist something as utterly cool as that?

If you’ve already bought Intangible, you’re all set. If you haven’t yet, you have until 8am Saturday morning February 18, 2012, to buy it and let me know. Send me an email that contains:

Your name

Mailing address

Order # and where you bought it

(If you’d like the bookmark signed, please let me know. Otherwise I’ll send it unsigned.)

Email me at   j (at) jmeyersbooks (dot) com.

Happy reading!


Look what came in the mail today…

It looks like just a normal, everyday package, doesn’t it?

Well, THAT doesn’t come in the mail every day!

It is soooooooooo beautiful. (And? It’s the right size this time. Win!)

Look at how pretty it is on the inside, too.

Seriously. Holding this book in my hand makes it feel like a *real* book. I cannot tell you how cool this is. :-)

Okay! I’m off to read it and make sure everything is perfect. For those of you waiting for the paperback book, it’s coming soon. VERY soon. As you can see.

Hope your week is starting out great!




Good Health and a Post Script of Insanity

So I’ve been  going in about seven different directions this week, and things finally feel as if they’re settling down. Perhaps that’s because I got some good health news today. I’m not going to go into details, but I’ll just say WHEW. In a big way. Feeling pretty darn light and happy now, I can tell you. :-)

Speaking of health, I saw a very interesting video today that has me really looking more askance at processed food than I already did. When it comes to digestion, there’s a big difference between what happens to processed food and what happens to made-from-scratch and whole foods. It’s the difference between food that was made to be eaten and food that was made to sit on a shelf for months.



Would you be surprised by the fact that many ingredients in processed foods comes from petro chemicals, aka oil?  Also? TBHQ, a preservative in many processed foods (like crackers, cookies, frozen prepared foods, and a LOT of fast food, etc.), comes from petroleum and is related to butane. Mmmm. Yummy. (Is it just me or does that totally turn you off from processed foods as well?) (Pardon me while I go get an apple.)


In totally unrelated news, I got my first proof of Intangible. (I say first because there is soon to be a second one coming my way.) It’s gorgeous and amazing to hold my book in my hand. Wow! And…it’s the *wrong* size. (My mistake, not the printer’s.) So I’ve gone back and resized the pages, redesigned the cover to the right size, and I’m hoping to get that proof early next week, check it over, proclaim it to be perfection itself, and put it up on Amazon. (Fingers crossed that all will go as planned.)

In the meantime, I hope you have a deliriously delightful weekend. (And don’t forget to eat your fruits and veggies.)

P.S. Have you seen the fish there in the sidebar on the right? Can I tell you that every time I come here to check comments, update info, or write a new post, I *always* spend a few moments feeding them. I can’t help it. They follow my mouse around the screen and are so cute and swishy that I simply cannot stop myself from clicking some food onto the screen for them. (It’s a sickness, I tell you. Insane.) (But, um, when you’re here? Would you please feed them? They seem very hungry.)


Overheard & Goodreads Giveaway

This is an actual phone conversation I had the other day.

Nielson ratings guy: Congratulations! Your house has been chosen to participate in our survey this year.
Me: We don’t actually have television programming.
Guy: You don’t have a TV?
Me: We have a TV, we don’t get any programming.
Guy: That’s okay. You can still be a part of the survey. Now, some people use DVR to record their favorite programs and then watch them at a later time. Do you use DVR?
Me: Um, no. There’s nothing to record because we don’t have TV programming.
Guy: Okay. Well, when you get your survey in the mail, just spend a week writing down when you watch something. If there’s a day you don’t watch anything, just leave it blank.
Me: Yeah, it’ll all be blank because we don’t have TV.
Guy: Okay! We’ll give you a courtesy call to make sure you get your survey! Thank you for participating!

In other news, it was such a gorgeous spring day today (52 degrees F in NY state) that it made me wonder if Puxsutawney Phil’s prediction this year was 6 more *hours* of winter. We went for a walk on this spring-like day and played outside at a neighbor’s house for a while. It was lovely to be outside, but weird. It’s just too warm. February in the Northeast is not supposed to be like this.

Oh! And I wanted to let you know about a giveaway I’m hosting over on Goodreads. (I love Goodreads. Have I told you how much I love Goodreads? It’s the best place to go talk books with people.) I’m giving away 5 paperback copies of Intangible. There’s a sign up button to the right in the sidebar here on the blog, one on my Giveaways page, or you can follow this link here to go sign up.

And, so, you know. Go. Sign up. And then be a dear and please pass it on. :-)

Hope your week is starting out great!



I’m So Excited that I’m Giving Stuff Away

Something came in the mail today that has me so excited I’m writing a second blog post. Two in one day! That *never* happens. But I can’t wait to share it with you. Because about two seconds after we opened the mail today, we did this:

Because, you know, when you get a big pile of temporary tattoos for book giveaways, you must try them out.  (I have one too, but didn’t get a picture. Do you have any idea how hard it is to take a picture of your own wrist? HARD.)

I’m so thrilled with how utterly cool these tattoos are that I’m giving them away all weekend long! Yup, that’s right. All. Weekend. Long.

(You want one. You know you want one.)

So what do you have to do to get it? Simple. Buy the book on either Amazon or Barnes & Noble and then send me an email. I’ll mail you a tattoo and a bookmark. Wanna see how pretty they look together?

And on?

If you’ve already bought it, you’re all set. If you haven’t yet, you have until 8am Monday February 6, 2012, to buy it and let me know. Send me an email that contains:

Your name

Mailing address

Order # and where you bought it

(If you’d like the bookmark signed, please let me know. Otherwise I’ll send it unsigned.)

Email me at   j (at) jmeyersbooks (dot) com.

Simple as that. :-)

Happy reading and have a great weekend, my friends!


The Other Half & Beautiful Bookstores

Hey! Here’s the other half of the announcement: Intangible is available on Barnes & Noble. (Finally.) (Okay, I’ll stop complaining now.) I’m very happy to have it up and out there.

This week I’ve been busy working on the layout and design of the paper book . . . and I have to tell you it looks so beautiful! I cannot wait to hold this book in my hands. I’m still such a sucker for a physical book. (Okay, okay, I’m a sucker for books in general.) It’s going to be about two weeks, I’m guessing, before the paper book is up for sale.

In other news, there is an interview I did that you can read here, if you’re interested. (My first interview, and I have no idea whether I did it right. :-) Yikes!)

And I got the most amazing review a couple of days ago that *still* has me feeling giddy and lightheaded. (I’ve read it at least eight times because I can’t quite believe all the wonderful things she said. Wow. Really, really wow.) (Really.) Misty Baker, the lunatic genius (funny how hard it is to discern between the two sometimes, isn’t it?) behind KindleObsessed, has a deep, undying love and affection for books and has been gifted with an incredible flair for writing book reviews—a talent I admire in part because it is sorely lacking in me. I’ve actually bought many of the books she has raved about because, really, how could I not after reading her raves? The way she writes, you want to start reading that book now. Right now. Seriously. If you’re looking for some good books, poke around her site there and read more of the reviews. If she doesn’t like a book, she tells you and backs up her opinion—and I love that she’s honest in her reaction and taste. She also posts a list of new free ebooks every week. So go. Check her out. Follow. She rocks.

Also continuing thanks to *everyone* who has left a review so far. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I appreciate each and every one. :-)

I’m going to leave you today with a link to photos of the 20 most beautiful bookstores that are scattered all over the world. Some of them are incredible. Makes me want to plan a worldwide bookstore-hopping-trip just to see them in person. Wouldn’t that be fun? Okay, who’s coming with me?

Hope you have a fantastic weekend!


A Half-Announcement

Okay, so I’ve been sitting on my hands, not writing a blog post with the big announcement that IT’S OUT! INTANGIBLE IS AVAILABLE FOR SALE! WAHOO!! because I’ve been waiting for Barnes & Noble to get it up on their site.

I’m still waiting. It’s been almost 3 days since I uploaded it. (And, yes, B&N, I know it said on your site that it would take between 24 and 72 hours for the book to go live, but somehow I thought it would be closer to the 24 than the 72. Currently, we’re perilously close to the 72 and there’s no sign of it on your site.)

Sigh. (B&N, this does not endear you to me.)

But, quite happily, I am making a half-announcement that the book is available on Amazon (yay!) and I’ve gotten rave reviews so far from every early reviewer who has posted a review (double yay!!). (A humongous thank you to those of you who’ve already reviewed it! And thanks to my early readers who are reading it right now with intent to review. I’m anxious to hear what you think.) If you’re interested, you can read reviews on Amazon and Goodreads, and these lovely blogs: Cate Dean and K-Books.

I am blown away by the response to the book. (And by how loooooong it’s taking Barnes & Noble to get the book up.) (Okay, I’ll stop complaining about it. But sheesh.) Thank you all for the great support. I am working on getting the paper copy ready for print, and will let you know when that is available. And then I’ve got to get to work on the sequel.

And I’ll get back to regular blogging soon. More what’s happening in life, less book stuff. But at the moment, what’s happening in my life is almost ALL book stuff.

Have a great day, everyone!

Let the nail-biting commence!

Okay, so I’ve been totally M.I.A. this week, polishing up Intangible so it would be ready to go out to early reviewers by today. Which it just did. (Pardon me for a moment while I hyperventilate…) (No, really. Once I hit “send” on that last email message I felt suddenly nervous. It’s official. It’s out there. People are going to be reading it. Good god, what have I done?)

No, I’m fine. Sort of. Well, maybe not right now, nor for the next week…okay, actually I have no idea when I’m going to be fine again. It may be a while, but I’m going to try hard to pretend. Deal?

Anyway, I just wanted to say hi, and tell you that the book is out there already and will be up for sale on Tuesday. I have the most beautiful bookmarks that I’m going to start giving away and I’m anxiously awaiting the arrival of the temporary tattoos I ordered of that cool fleur-de-lis that’s in the book. I *can’t* wait for those! I’ll post pictures as soon as I slap one on my arm. (Oh, you know I’m doing that as soon as I open the package. Because, you know, what’s more fun than a temporary tattoo?)

Okay. I’ve obviously got nothing intelligent to say tonight—I’m all a-flutter. So I’m going to leave you with this. It’s just so cool.

(Did you notice the hands on the clock? Watch it again and see how much time it took them to do this.) (Did you watch through all the credits when they listed all the books that were on the shelves?) (Really. I just totally love this kind of stuff.)

Someday I am going to organize my bookshelves by color because I *love* how it looks.

Hope you have a great weekend!