Author Jen Meyers

Writings Poetic: An Ode to Twitter

From Steve’s pile of poems this week:

An Ode to Twitter

Twitter, I must apologize, as indeed I scoffed at first
Of all the social media, thy format seemed the worst
We call, we chat, we email, but who would want to “tweet”?
Confined within your limits, how could one a thought complete?
But slowly was I drawn in, by the clever twists of phrase
And stayed for conversations, that so often last for days
There’s always someone out there, with a comeback true and quick
And oh, how you have changed the game for those that politic
Yet still there are those people that dismiss you out of hand
Or some that see a tweet or two, and don’t quite understand
Like this from someone’s mother about what she had read
“I know you’re talking about me, but I don’t know what who said”
Interactions span the spectrum from comments tame to wild
Some make me laugh, some make me cry, but mostly I’ve just smiled
So from late night conversations to the dawns and days we greet
I’ll celebrate the moments, I’ll love, I’ll laugh, I’ll tweet.

—SAK 1/11/13

Getting Back to Crafting Story

Quite a few months ago, I was wishing for a wall-sized bulletin board on which to pin my outline cards. With Intangible, I kept my stack of cards next to me at all times. I’d flip through them or lay them out on the floor if I was trying to figure out where to put a new scene, if I needed to move some plot points around, or if I was just checking to see if I’d created a well filled-out story. It worked.

With Imaginable I’ve been doing the same thing, but a part of me kept wishing for a place to lay them out and leave them there so I could see things at a glance. However, I have no such undisturbed floor space (not with four young kids running around here) and so I was eye-balling my walls.

However, I LOVE art and my walls are happily covered with all the pieces we’ve collected (or created) over the last fifteen years, so there is no good wall space for me to attach a giant cork board. I nearly drooled when I saw my friends Suz’s magnetic wall (and I’ve tucked that idea away for my future house and home office). But when I stumbled upon Kristin Cashore’s idea for a fabric wall hanging to pin cards to, I knew I’d found my solution. (Unlike Kristin, I’ve taped my cards to the fabric rather than pinning them–the pinning was *not* easy and I could only imagine what a pain it would be to pin and unpin as I rearranged things…for I already know it will need some rearranging. So for now I’m going with tape and hoping that keeps the cards up there.)

I’ve found that I really need the outline up now that I’m back in the midst of Imaginable after a two-month hiatus during which I wrote and released Indomitable. (I’m also revisiting that jarring feeling of going from polished manuscript back to very UNpolished. I’m having to remind myself, again, that it’s okay. It’ll get better.) (Because it WILL.)

As I’ve jumped back into Imaginable, I don’t remember when things happened or even all the events of the plot. Which, you know, is a BIT of a challenge. So (finally) having this up is a huge help—I can go stare at it to figure out just where the heck I am in the story. (Also, as a bonus, I have it hanging right next to my bed so it’s this ENORMOUS reminder for me to GET BACK TO WORK.)

Speaking of which…I should probably get back to work. :-)

Have a great weekend, everyone!



Okay, so I’m back at work on Imaginable and SO very happy to be at it again. You guys, I really can’t wait for you to read this story. (I just hope you love it as much as I do. *fingers crossed ’til they’re blue*) I can’t really tell you when it’ll be ready because I don’t have a good feel for it at this point…but I’m working on it as fast as I can! Promise!

In the meantime, I had to share with you a new sweet we made this year during the holidays: Peppermint Marshmallows. You would not believe how easy marshmallows are to make. I mean, like seriously easy.

I followed this recipe, but without the food coloring because my family avoids chemical colorings as much as possible. (But I do so love how they look with the red swirls! I actually went searching for some natural food coloring but came up empty handed.)

And can I tell you? the taste?? O. M. G. These are the most delicious marshmallows EVER. The peppermint aspect is incredible…seriously you MUST try these for yourself.

They are AMAZING alone and they change a cozy cup of cocoa into an astonishingly GORMET treat. (I’m not kidding. I wouldn’t kid about cocoa.)  ;-)

Oh, and fyi…this summer I discovered that homemade marshmallows do not last as long as store-bought (which really shouldn’t surprise me because most prepackaged food is made to sit on a shelf, whereas what you make yourself is made to be eaten…but I digress). This is all just to say these keep for about 3 weeks, and after that they will go bad. So don’t be stingy with the marshmallows. :-)

Okay, back to work with me (with a toasty cup of cocoa…mmmm). Hope your week is starting out sweet!


Writings Poetic

I have such a treat for you guys. My husband Steve is on this quest to write several poems a week in 2013…and I want to share them with you here in this space. So each week I’ll be posting his poems, and I hope you enjoy them!


December Moon

Silent sits the ethereal night, when the December moon does call
While winter tightens its icy grip, ‘round the remnant warmth of fall
Thick woolen pants and handmade hats, scarves snugly woven between
Their colors, muted by the chilly glow, still soften the stark frozen scene
Wooden sleds whisper, wand’ring behind, masking our tracks with a tail
Our heavy steps up a heated climb, to a perch from which we’ll sail
Where the only clouds, we breathe to life, while pondering the world below
And our laughter echoes deep in the night, as we tumble through blankets of snow.

—SAK, 1/1/13

Why Do Snowflakes Sparkle?

“Why do snowflakes sometimes sparkle?” I was asked by the littlest one
“I’ll tell you what I think,” I said, “It all comes from the sun.
What happens when it’s raining, and the light shines through just right?”
“A rainbow!” grinned a child, and I nodded ever so slight.
“Have you ever been up early, when the sky begins to glow?
When with blue and orange and yellow, the sun wakes and says hello?
Or have you ever watched the sunset, all purple and pink and red?
When wrapped in its colorful blanket, the sun waves and goes to bed.
So why do snowflakes sparkle?” Their eyes were open wide.
“I like to think,” I whispered, “Because rainbows are trapped inside.”

—SAK, 1/2/13

 Winter’s Shore

A tentative step, a tilt to the side
One plant, then push, a gentle glide
A backyard pond, ‘neath shoveled snow
Over dormant turtles and frogs below
A neighborhood rink, at quiet play
Round and round and round, one way
A canal with miles and miles to go
Where steady streams of people flow
Dancing across an icy floor
Setting sail from winter’s shore.

—SAK, 1/3/13


Also, if you have any ideas for poem themes or subjects, please say so in the comments. Steve would be happy to write to requests. :-)

Happy Friday!

Indomitable News & Teaser!

It’s OUT. Indomitable is released and up for sale. (In case you missed my little mention of it the day before Christmas. What, you were busy?) My fabulous early reviewers have been reading and reviewing, and you can check out what they have to say on Goodreads, as well as Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Indomitable is only $0.99, the lowest price I can set it at, and that’s where it will stay. :-)

What reviewers are saying:

J. Meyers has totally hit me in my sweet spot– Jonas was my favorite character from Intangible, and I wanted to find out more about him. This novella gave me everything I was asking for.                                         —Christina, Ensconced in YA

Oh wow. Never has a such a short book left me so emotional….I can’t wait for the next book to continue this amazing story.                       —Yvonne, The Shadow Realm


If you read it, I’d appreciate you posting your honest review on any of the above sites. And I’d be forever grateful if you’d help me spread the word about Indomitable. Talk, tweet or facebook it, if you would. I can use all the help I can get!

One last thing I’m thrilled to tell you about…Intangible and Indomitable will be showing up in the iTunes store soon! SO excited about that!

And just because I love you all, here’s a teaser from Indomitable. :-)

“There’s been enough killing already,” Jonas said and he felt the weight of those words settle on him. What he’d done…he didn’t want any more unnecessary blood on his hands. Or his conscience. “I’ve killed enough for both of us.”

“You’ve saved many more than you’ve killed,” Meghan said. She studied him a moment. When she spoke again her voice was gentle. “You are different than you believe yourself to be.”

Angelus mortis.” Angel of death.

“Maybe once.” She nodded. “But not anymore. Angelus vitae.” Angel of life. She looked at him pointedly and then disappeared.

Alone, he shook his head. He was Death. He’d proven that long ago.

Jonas tilted his head to look up at the sky. Stars stared back at him in cold judgment. They knew. They had been there, had borne witness to it all.

The stars had heard her screams, too.

And they’d watched what he had done in the after.


Have a great weekend, my friends!

The Wrap-Up

Okay, so it’s the beginning of the week, not the end when I usually do a wrap-up post, but it’s the end of the year. So there’s an ending here and even though I’m not going to recap the year for you, it just seemed fitting to do a wrap-up post of the holidays as my last post of 2012.

1. First of all, my brain can’t quite believe that we’re on the verge of 2013. Tomorrow. You know, I remember when I was in high school and was thinking oh-so-far ahead to when it would be the year 2000 and I’d be 30 then, which, at 16-17-18, sounded OLD. And here we are on the unfathomable brink of 2013 and I don’t feel much different than that 16-17-18 year old. Except I’m a heck of a lot wiser. But I don’t feel old. I’m starting to think that you probably NEVER feel old—at least in your mind. My dad, at 70, tells me that’s true. What a wild phenomenon that is.

2. We had a splendid Christmas that was quiet and relaxed—just right for us. I thought for sure the three year old would be up and ready to go at 3 am because she crawled into my bed in the wee hours of Christmas eve, wide awake and excited, asking me “What day is it, Mama? It is Christmas?” I told her it was Christmas eve, but she was so excited by the thought of giving and opening presents in just one more day that it took her a LONG time (hours) to get back to sleep. I was sure there’d be a repeat of that the next night, and the fact that it WAS actually Christmas would mean she’d be too excited to go back to sleep. However, when she crawled into my bed in the wee hours, she just snuggled right in and went to back to sleep. And slept until 8 am. :-)

3. For the first time, each of the kids made something different for their siblings—what we called their Super Secret Christmas Presents, or SSCP as Riley put it. It was a LOT of fun and they were so excited about giving each other their handmade gifts—bean-bag frogs, body pillows, stamped leather bracelets, and personalized cocoa mugs.

And since each child was SO excited about what they were making for their siblings, I was sneaky and made one for him/her too. Which they opened last to wide smiles. :-)

4. I’m also so freaking excited about what the kids and I made for Steve. A friend had posted a picture of one of these paintings on Twitter and I thought it was the COOLEST thing EVER. And I realized we could make one for Steve’s Christmas present because I knew he’d love it, too. Check this out.

Right? I mean, isn’t that gorgeous? The crayons are glued to the top of the canvas and then you use a hairdryer to melt them.

So easy and way too much fun. My kids were SO excited for Steve to open this gift. It was the first thing they handed to him.

5. We were so caught up in all our makings and doings that I totally forgot to plan for Christmas dinner. (I know, BIG surprise, right? I’m terrible at dinners.) So I made pizza. Not the most festive of meals…but it made everyone happy, so I’m going to call it a win anyway. :-)

I hope YOU had the loveliest of holiday weeks. I’d love to hear what you all did or made if you want to share below.

And here’s to a 2013 filled with all good things…for all of us. Happy New Year, my friends!




Well, Indomitable is out. YAY! (whew!) You can find it for only $0.99 on Amazon now, Barnes & Noble (hopefully today–they’re slow), and in my store (where you can download both the mobi and the epub files with one purchase—perfect if you have different ereaders!) It’s also listed on Goodreads, if you’re in the mood to post a review in more than one place (yes, please! Thank you!). (Feel free to share those links with ALL your friends. Spread the love!)

I’m going to burrow in with the family for the week and hope for LOTS of snow. I hope you have snow (if you’re somewhere cold) or lovely sun (if you’re somewhere warm) and I’ll see you all next week. In the meantime, I wish you lots of this no matter where you are:

(That’s a homemade peppermint marshmallow in there. Which is just about the best thing I’ve ever tasted and ridiculously easy to make. You should make some too. Trust me on this. You won’t regret it.)

Merry and Happy, my friends.


Indomitable Early Reviewers Giveaway

With the release of Indomitable less than a week away, I’d like to launch it with as many early reviews as possible because reviews help sell books—both good reviews and bad ones. (Have you ever bought a book based on a negative review? I have.)

So if YOU would be willing to read and review it within the next couple of weeks, then I’ll send you an ecopy for FREE by the end of this week. Please post your honest reviews on your blog (if you have one), on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and/or Goodreads. If you would be kind enough to post it in more than one place, I’d very much appreciate it.

Also? If you get a free ecopy and read it, please tell all your friends about the book. :-)

Here are a few quick Q&A’s about it.

Q: How do I get a free  pre-release ecopy?

A: Email me at j (at) jmeyersbooks (dot) com and tell me what format you’d like it in: mobi (for Kindle) or epub (for Nook, Kobo, Sony, iBooks, etc.).

Q: What if I don’t have an e-reader?

A: You don’t need one to be able to read the book. You can download a free Kindle app from Amazon or a free Nook app from Barnes & Noble to be able to read the book right on your computer, smartphone, or ipad.  Nifty, huh?

Q: When will I get my free ecopy?

A: I will send you the book by the end of the week.

Q: How quickly do you want me to review it?

A: Please read it as soon as you can and post a review within a week or so of Indomitable‘s release—the sooner the better! I know Christmas is next week, so that’ll slow some of you down, but since it’s a quick read (about 50 pages) I’d be forever grateful if you’d post a quick review soon. (Please note: there will be no listing for Indomitable on Amazon or Barnes & Noble until the book is released, so there’s no way to leave a review before the release date. Indomitable is already on Goodreads.)

Q: I’ve never written a review before. What if I don’t know how?

A: If you’re nervous about writing a review, don’t worry. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Just write a couple of lines about how you felt about the book, what you liked or—gasp!—didn’t like. Be honest. Your review will help other readers decide whether they’re likely to enjoy the book. It will help to get Indomitable into the right hands.

Q: What is Indomitable about?

A: This novella tells Jonas’ story. Here’s the blurb:

Perhaps the most dangerous person to gain unimaginable power is the one who feels oppressed.

And full of wrath. For very good reason.

Q: Can I get a paper copy?

A: Since Indomitable is a novella and only 50 pages long, there will not be a paper version made.


Happy Tuesday! I’m off to work on finishing touches . . .

The Wrap Up

1. Indomitable has been out to my beta readers this week and is looking likely to be released in about a week. I’ll let you know for sure when I know for sure. (Which obviously isn’t yet.) And on Monday I’ll let you know how you can sign up to get an ecopy of the novella for free in return for an early review. Details to come! Promise!

2. So I’ve spent this week working on the cover, and I have to tell you that I am just NOT a cover designer. I cannot tell you how many designs I put together and trashed because they looked like…well, not good, to put it nicely. BUT, I finally came across something that I liked, and I hope you will too. (And if you don’t like it, feel free to be kind.) :-)

3. Other than tossing out cover designs left and right, I’ve spent most of my time elving this week. I’ve suddenly got all these gift ideas—and a growing list of people to make things for—and I now need to figure out if I can actually get it all done in time. You know, and sleep too. (I can’t. But I’ll try because that’s just the way I am.)

4. Honestly, this time of year is so love-hate for me. I LOVE the human warmth of this season, and I love making and giving gifts to important people in my life. But it’s also become a stressful season for me with all the people we have to figure out gifts for and whether we can make something they’ll appreciate or whether we should buy something and if we do buy it, then we want to make sure it’s meaningful and not just *something* because we needed a gift, you know? I want our gifts to be thoughtful and an expression of our love for our friends and family. I want my kids to relish creating things and appreciate simple gifts made with love.

And they DO. Right now, with all the elving we’re doing, they are ALL about the gift *giving* and not the gift *getting.* That’ll come, of course, as we get closer to Christmas, and that’s as it should be. It IS exciting to know you’re getting gifts and to wonder what they will be. It’s a lot of fun and I love that they get so excited about it. But I’m just so thrilled that they’re also really excited about what they are giving. Like crazy excited. THAT, I love.

5. And so, for the first time each child is working on individual super-secret presents for his/her siblings. Last year they helped make quilts for each other—so each child knew s/he was getting a quilt and got to work collectively on siblings’ quilts, but didn’t know what theirs looked like until Christmas morn. (It was the first gift they opened because they were so excited about it. *happy sigh*)

Of course in this new individual-handmade-gift plan, I made the mistake of starting early with the 3 year old, who after finishing one beanbag frog for one brother, promptly came downstairs to announce that she had “two more frogs to make.” Right after we got done discussing the importance of keeping it a secret. She’d even been so agreeable, “I won’t tell them, Mama. It’s a secret.” I’m starting to think it’s *possible* that 3/almost-4 is a little too young for secret-keeping. I think she and I will finish the other two frogs on Christmas eve so there’s little time for her to spill any more beans (literally and figuratively).  ;-)

I hope you have had a lovely week and are looking ahead to a fabulous weekend. Maybe some elving in your home, gatherings with friends, or just enjoying this season however you celebrate it.  Have a great weekend, everyone!

Novella News & Nerves

Hi, there! Hello!

Sorry for the radio silence. Last week was a week. A WEEK, I tell you. So, you know, I was a little M.I.A. But I’m back and am working to get Indomitable (Jonas’ novella) out in the next two weeks. (Me = O_O) My betas are reading the story this week and I’m anxious to hear back so I can fix all that ails it. (I’m also wandering around biting my nails until then. Fingers crossed that they like it.) I’ll be showing you the cover later this week.  And then I’ll be sharing the story with you! (Yay! Cartwheels for everyone!)

And the BEST news is that I’ll be offering a free pre-release giveaway of Indomitable in exchange for early reviews. (Meaning that I’ll give it away to anyone who will post an honest review on Goodreads, Amazon, and/or Barnes & Noble within a week or so of its release.) I’ll be posting about how YOU can be an early reviewer next week, so be sure to check back so you don’t miss it. :-)

Well, I’m off to do more hand-wringing as I worry about this upcoming release. It’s just as nerve-wracking as it was with Intangible. Good times. ;-) (No, I’m okay, really.) (Well, sort of.) (Okay, maybe not at all, but I’m going to pretend I am. Fake it until you make it, right?)

Happy Hanukkah to my Hanukkah-celebrating friends! And I hope everyone’s week is starting out SPARKLY. :-)