Author Jen Meyers


Hi guys!

I’m just popping in to say that Imaginable is (FINALLY) available in paperback! Signed paperbacks are available through my store (and you get an Intangible bookmark and tattoo with your signed book!) and on Amazon. *\o/*

Sorry for not being here for the past month. I know, I know…I’m totally slacking. But I’m spending ALL my time writing, writing, writing my next book (which is a new adult contemporary romance…I’ll get back to the Intangible series soon, but for the moment I needed to write something different). I am LOVING writing this book—it’s very different from what I’ve been writing and that makes it more exciting to me. I have no idea when it’ll be ready—hopefully by the fall. Whenever it is ready, though, YOU will be the first to know!

I’ll tell you more about it in the coming weeks. In the meantime, I hope you have a fantastic weekend, my friends!

The Pretty! The Pretty!

To my SHOCK (because I just ordered it two days ago), this came in the mail today:

Oh my goodness! The PRETTY!!

And look inside!


Isn’t it gorgeous?! My proof of Imaginable. I’m going to spend the weekend reading it, making sure every word is in there and in the right place, and the layout is perfect. Then paperbacks will be available!

Hope you have a great weekend, everyone!


Signs of Spring



My favorite: our red bud tree. It's gorgeous when all those tiny pink blossoms bloom.

Truest sign.

Spring has definitely sprung here. How about where you are? :-)

Release day: Imaginable!

It’s here! It’s FINALLY here! Imaginable is released and available everywhere. Cartwheels for everyone! *\o/*

You can find it at Amazon US, Amazon UK, and Barnes & Noble. And if you’d like to hear what early reviewers are saying about Imaginable, check out the reviews on Goodreads, as well as these lovely reviews over at My Guilty Obsession, Ensconced in YA, Batty for Books, and Obsession with Books. I know more reviews will be popping up today and in the coming weeks—these here are the few I’ve already come across so far (and I’ve now got to go through my inbox where more review links are waiting for me…yay!).

The paperback should be ready in about two weeks—I’ll let you know when it’s available. In the meantime, Intangible is STILL only 99c at Amazon US, Amazon UK, and Barnes & Noble. Help me spread the word, if you would!

I have a wonderfully busy day ahead of sending links out to my list of fantastic bloggers, emailing my fabulous mailing list members, getting ready for Imaginable‘s blog tour that starts April 21, and celebrating with my family tonight over pizza and sparkling cider. :-) And I hope YOU have a lovely day!



5 Days and Counting…

Imaginable will be out in five days, my friends! I’m nervous and excited and terrified—all at the same time. :-)

To celebrate it’s imminent release, how about one last teaser?

Or wait…you know what would be MORE fun than a teaser? A whole chapter.

But you know what would be better than ONE whole chapter? TWO.

Well, you’ve talked me into it. Here are the first two chapters of Imaginable. ;-)

And don’t forget that Intangible is on super sale at only $0.99 still at Amazon US, Amazon UK, and Barnes & Noble. Get it while you can!

Have a lovely weekend, everyone!



Oh, I am filled with gratitude this week, my friends.

With Imaginable off being copy edited, I’m catching up on a few last book details, one of which is my Acknowledgments Page. I am so full of gratitude for the people who have come together to help me.  I truly could not do it without them. These books are polished to a high sheen because of the help I’ve gotten from others. Yes, I put in a lot of long hours working to make my books as perfect as I can because I am a perfectionist, and that works to my advantage in this field. But I also have people who volunteer their time to thoughtfully read through the book–not simply to enjoy it, but to question things in it, to look for rough spots or inconsistencies, to tell me what’s not working, not believable. (And it’s funny how many of them said “I hope you don’t get mad” when they did. I am never mad, only grateful for their honesty because it helps me create a much better book.) And I have a kick-ass editor who doesn’t let ANYTHING slip. He is brutally honest and thinks through EVERY aspect of the story—and he does an amazing job making my books shine. And my copy editor is worship-worthy, too.

I am blessed, you guys. So very blessed.

I’ve also spent the last couple of weeks sending out emails to bloggers who reviewed Intangible last year, asking if they’d be interested in reviewing Imaginable. And you know what? Over 90 of them have already replied with a resounding Yes! Not only that, but most are willing to post their reviews on or close to release day, April 16. How freaking fabulous is THAT?!

Gratitude? Oh, yeah I’ve got it coming out my ears this week.

And I’m getting geared up for a two week blog tour organized by Mel and Lana over at Girls *Heart* Books, who are two of the loveliest people EVER. I’m grateful for all their support and hard work. Check out the gorgeous banner they had made for it. (And if you want to sign up for the tour, go here.)

This whole book writing and publishing thing? What an incredible adventure it’s been and continues to be. I am overwhelmed by your support and excitement, and I can’t wait to put Imaginable in YOUR hands.

With gratitude.

Have a great weekend, my friends. <3


Intangible is still on sale for a ridiculous $0.99 at Amazon US, Amazon UK, and Barnes & Noble. I could really use the help in spreading the word about that! I’d love to get it into more and more people’s hands before Imaginable is released. Thanks to everyone who has already tweeted or posted about it this past week! You guys rock. :-)


Help Me Celebrate!

To celebrate Imaginable‘s upcoming release, Intangible is on sale—for the FIRST TIME EVER—for only $0.99 (£0.77)!!

*\o/* (<—I think this calls for a cheerleader, don’t you?)

Would you help me spread the word? Please tell everyone you know–email friends, tweet about it, put it on Facebook, hire a skywriter…you know, all the normal ways to tell good news. ;-) I would be forever grateful for whatever help you’d be willing to give in getting the word out.

It’s available on Amazon US, Amazon UK, and Barnes & Noble.

Thanks, my friends! Hope you’re having a perfectly lovely day. :-)


What I’m doing…


I know I’ve been M.I.A. around here. I’ve had my nose buried in edits and beta readers’ feedback, fixing, fixing, fixing. That picture is the printout for my final read-through before I send Imaginable to my copy editor to clean up any typos or grammar issues.

Three weeks until release day, you guys!


Imaginable Teaser #3

I’m taking an unexpected trip home for several days, looking forward to being back in Vermont (BEST state EVER—in case you were wondering) for a week. I will admit to you that this is one of the things I love most about homeschooling…the ability to just up and go whenever we want, not being tied down to someone else’s schedule. It’s a lovely, lovely thing.

But before I head out, here’s another teaser from Imaginable (coming out in less than 5 weeks—aaaaand now I suddenly can’t breathe). Just because I love you guys. :-)

Sera raised her hands. She did not want to touch this guy. Not at all.

“Aren’t you even going to ask my name, Princess?”

She felt heat rise in her core. But she damped it down as best she could. She had to get this done quickly. There were still so many to go before they’d let her heal Quinn.

“I don’t need to know your name,” she said through clenched teeth.

He leaned toward her again, that smile still on his face. “Ah, but don’t you want to know it?”

She let her arms drop. “Not particularly, no.”

“Oh come now,” he said, his voice low. “You don’t have to play hard to get with me. I heard your heart speed up when I touched you earlier.”

“That’s called fear, you moron,” she said. “Now are you ready or what?”

He laughed and then closed his eyes, nodded his head with that stupid smile still on his lips. What she wouldn’t give to knock it right off his face. Or dust him.

And she could hardly believe she was thinking like that.

Sera tried to clear her mind and pretend that he was just another person asking for help. She fingered her necklace then placed one hand on his forehead and one on his chest. Taking a deep breath, she tried to center herself.

“Sean,” he said. “My name’s Sean. Not moron.”

“I’m pretty sure I got it right the first time,” Sera muttered.

“Oh, I like you, Princess,” he said, laughing. “I could get used to you.”


Have a great weekend, everyone!


And FINALLY there is a Release Date

Hey, there! Ho, there!

I know, I know. I’ve been TOTALLY neglecting this space. I know.

But I’m here (at least for a moment) to share a bit of news: I’m committing to a release date for Imaginable. (*gasp* *wheeze*) Yes, it freaks me out because I don’t want to have to change it if I’ve misjudged how soon the book will be ready. But I’m feeling really, very, (mostly) sure that everything will be done by this date.

Which date? Well, my stars, I thought you’d never ask. ;-)

Official Release Date: Tuesday April 16, 2013

(That’s only 5 weeks away!)

(Pardon me while I hyperventilate.)

So, in addition to going over final edits from my beta readers and polishing Imaginable up with the help of my fabulous editor, I’m going to start contacting book bloggers for reviews. SO MUCH TO DO. (deep breaths) (I’m okay.) (Mostly.) If you’re a blogger and want to be a part of the release (and haven’t told me that yet) feel free to shoot me an email. It’s very likely I will be contacting YOU if you reviewed Intangible, but in case you don’t hear from me over the next couple of weeks, please contact me! You can email me at j AT jmeyersbooks DOT com.

I cannot WAIT to get this book out of my hands and into YOURS. :-) Speaking of which, I think I owe you another excerpt. Look for that later this week…

Have a great day, my friends!