Author Jen Meyers


Teaser #1: Anywhere

Since we’re in the last stretch before Anywhere‘s release at the end of the month (date coming SOON), it’s time for some teasers. But first, in case you missed it, the book blurb: Skye Whitcomb is running from her troubles,…

I am a souvenir

I spent the weekend in Burlington because my brother is losing his 15 year battle against cancer…which I’m not going to talk about right now because my heart is breaking and I just can’t. But on my way in to…

Synopsis for ANYWHERE!

Okay, you guys. Here it is—the book blurb for Anywhere, my New Adult contemporary romance due out at the end of August. I’m wickedly excited/nervous about this book, and can’t wait to share it with you. Soon! Like in about…

What I’ve been up to…

It seems as if I’ve been starting a lot of posts by apologizing that I haven’t been here for a while. And here it is over two weeks since the last post. *sigh* Honestly? I’ve been soaking up life (with…

This MIGHT be a rant

On Tuesday night, my Twitter feed blew up with news about Texas State Senator Wendy Davis. If you missed it, Ms. Davis staged an 11-hour filibuster (during which time she could not eat, drink, pee, sit down, or lean on…

The Wrap-Up

Hey, there! It’s been so long—I KNOW. Things get busy, the blog gets neglected. 1. We got season tickets to go see the children’s shows at our local professional summer stock theatre and went to the first show yesterday: Pinkalicious.…


Over the weekend, I came across this absolutely BRILLIANT spoken poem by Hollie McNish that cleverly slams Flo Rida’s song “Whistle.” Seriously, this is one of the best things I’ve seen/heard in a looong time. To FULLY appreciate and enjoy…

Books and Flowers

Hi, guys! :-) I’m jumping into edits on New Book (which means LOTS of coffee and chocolate…it could be worse ;-) and working to get it out by the end of summer (August/September). I have so much to tell you…

In which I can’t sit still

Do you notice anything different about me today? You DO? Why, yes, I DID finish the first draft of my newest book yesterday afternoon. And then last night, because I had nothing to do and couldn’t just sit around idly…