Author Jen Meyers


Berry Fever

The very end of June and beginning of July is berry picking season at my house. Black raspberries, a.k.a. black caps. They grow abundantly around our yard. Which makes for very happy children, snacking on berries all day long as…

This Moment

 In this moment I am . . . * loving the black raspberries growing all around the perimeter of our yard, filling little tummies, keeping small hands busy, and stockpiling in the freezer for future pies. * looking forward to…

Books to Read!

I’ve been reading The Magic Thief by Sarah Prineas to the kids at night lately. I don’t remember how I came across the book originally. I had been scouring the library for good YA and MG fiction to read, and…

Smoke from Space

The wildfire in New Mexico can be seen from space. The smoke from the fire, that is. It’s phenomenal, in an awful way. An astronaut took a picture of it from the International Space Station that you can see here.…


We’re off to the local theatre to see a kids’ show this morning, so I don’t have time for much. But I do have a few quick random things. First? Eva Cassidy singing “Fields of Gold.” If you haven’t heard…

Ode to Summer

So, I’m neck deep in revising my fourth draft, feeling terribly clever at times and like I’m missing some brain cells at others. It feels like it’s going s-l-o-w, like I don’t get enough time to work on it. That’s…

This Moment

  In this moment I am . . . * excited to have seen the first monarch of the summer this week. * happy for another day spent out of doors. Walking, exploring, discovering. * tired in a good way…


A few random items of interest today: I’m totally loving author Barry Eisler right now. He’s gotten a lot of flack and been the object of much speculation since he turned down a two-book half million dollar deal with St.…