Author Jen Meyers


Things I Do Not Do Well

What better way to start off the week than with a confession of some of the things I’m not good at? 1. Making dinner. This includes planning it ahead, sometimes making it at all, or making a full dinner. I…


It’s out! It’s in paper! It’s a *real* book!! Look.    You can get it here on Amazon. (AND, as if that’s not exciting ENOUGH, it’s a part of the 4-for-3 promotion, so you can order three other books and…

Giveaway Tuesday!

That’s right, I’m giving away Tuesday! Oh, uh…okay, maybe I’m not exactly giving Tuesday away, but it *is* Tuesday and I *am* giving away bookmarks and tattoos again for anyone who has purchased Intangible from Amazon or Barnes & Noble…

Overheard & Goodreads Giveaway

This is an actual phone conversation I had the other day. Nielson ratings guy: Congratulations! Your house has been chosen to participate in our survey this year. Me: We don’t actually have television programming. Guy: You don’t have a TV?…

A Half-Announcement

Okay, so I’ve been sitting on my hands, not writing a blog post with the big announcement that IT’S OUT! INTANGIBLE IS AVAILABLE FOR SALE! WAHOO!! because I’ve been waiting for Barnes & Noble to get it up on their…