Author Jen Meyers


Iron Fey Series Giveaway!

I’ve been cleaning out my bookshelves lately and that means good things for YOU. My shelves are OVERFLOWING with fantastic YA books. So much so that I must part with some to make room for at least *most* of the…


Did I tell you that we had a pair of Carolina wrens build a nest on our front porch? I LOVE the Carolina wren because it looks an awful lot like a puff ball with a tail and it has…

In Remembrance

I wanted to tell you a little bit about the loved one who passed last week because he was an extraordinary individual. And I don’t say that lightly. His name was Bernie Henault and I met him about 13 years…

The Best Laid Plans

Well, it’s only the beginning of the month, but already I know I’m not going to get the first draft completed in June. Which is okay. Life has gotten in the way—in not a good way, a beloved family member…

Science class

You know we home school, right? We don’t do structure much, so we’re really unschoolers. I wanted to show you science class: Thanks to Ginny for the picture! We were checking out the spring pond life—tadpoles, water bugs, fish, dragonfly…

Scoffing at the Insanity

Happy last day of May! I’m celebrating today because as of tomorrow—and for the full month of June—I will be a writing machine and won’t see much of anything beyond my computer and the screen of my imagination. The outline…


I have a new project that I’m SO excited to tell you about. I’ve teamed up with some fabulous YA writers to create our own YouTube vlogging channel called Parenthetically. We’re just getting started, but expect to have several new…

the remains of the day

We had a really cool visitor to our yard this week: (That’s a pileated woodpecker, and it’s HUGE.) (And isn’t that a cool piece of wood? It’s from a neighbor’s tree that came down in a storm and it was…