Author Jen Meyers

Giveaway Tuesday!

That’s right, I’m giving away Tuesday!

Oh, uh…okay, maybe I’m not exactly giving Tuesday away, but it *is* Tuesday and I *am* giving away bookmarks and tattoos again for anyone who has purchased Intangible from Amazon or Barnes & Noble already or who buys it by the end of the week.

Check it out:

Seriously, who can resist something as utterly cool as that?

If you’ve already bought Intangible, you’re all set. If you haven’t yet, you have until 8am Saturday morning February 18, 2012, to buy it and let me know. Send me an email that contains:

Your name

Mailing address

Order # and where you bought it

(If you’d like the bookmark signed, please let me know. Otherwise I’ll send it unsigned.)

Email me at   j (at) jmeyersbooks (dot) com.

Happy reading!


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2 thoughts on “Giveaway Tuesday!

  1. S.V.

    Dear Mrs.Meyers,
    Right now, I am on chapter 15 of your book and I must say that you are my role model. I read 3 chapters at breakfast, and I’m hoping that I’ll get the chance to read a couple more after my studies. A lot of my friends were asking what I was reading, and my language arts teacher asked as well. I told them the name of the book and a brief summary and they were instantly hooked. Mrs. Meyers, I was wondering how you uploaded that Portlandia video on your website. I am now hooked to that show! Too bad, I barely have any time to watch TV. I have extracurricular activities everyday and lots of things to study. I’m always doing something at sometime at someplace. Anyway, I want to upload some interviews on my Hunger Games blog, and I was wondering how you uploaded that Portlandia video. Thanks! :)

    1. j meyers Post author

      I’m so glad you’re liking the book. And thank you for helping to spread the word. :-)

      If you’re using WordPress for your blog, there’s a button at the top of the box you write your posts in that let’s you embed a video. Or you can find the video on YouTube that you want to have on your site, highlight the address and copy it, the put this is [youtube= insert the address you copied, then add a ] at the end to close it. (No spaces between the = and the youtube web address or the ] at the end.) Hope that helps!