Author Jen Meyers

And FINALLY there is a Release Date

Hey, there! Ho, there!

I know, I know. I’ve been TOTALLY neglecting this space. I know.

But I’m here (at least for a moment) to share a bit of news: I’m committing to a release date for Imaginable. (*gasp* *wheeze*) Yes, it freaks me out because I don’t want to have to change it if I’ve misjudged how soon the book will be ready. But I’m feeling really, very, (mostly) sure that everything will be done by this date.

Which date? Well, my stars, I thought you’d never ask. ;-)

Official Release Date: Tuesday April 16, 2013

(That’s only 5 weeks away!)

(Pardon me while I hyperventilate.)

So, in addition to going over final edits from my beta readers and polishing Imaginable up with the help of my fabulous editor, I’m going to start contacting book bloggers for reviews. SO MUCH TO DO. (deep breaths) (I’m okay.) (Mostly.) If you’re a blogger and want to be a part of the release (and haven’t told me that yet) feel free to shoot me an email. It’s very likely I will be contacting YOU if you reviewed Intangible, but in case you don’t hear from me over the next couple of weeks, please contact me! You can email me at j AT jmeyersbooks DOT com.

I cannot WAIT to get this book out of my hands and into YOURS. :-) Speaking of which, I think I owe you another excerpt. Look for that later this week…

Have a great day, my friends!



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